2016 Tacoma Wayzgoose Steamroller Prints

This exhibit consists of bold linocut prints from various artists created during the
2016 Tacoma Wayzgoose Festival.

Streetside Artscape:
2016 Tacoma Wayzgoose Steamroller Prints 
Woolworth Window 3, 11th & Broadway
August 18 – November 17, 2016

The Tacoma Wayzgoose (an archaic term describing the celebratory feast held by a master printer) is an annual spring letterpress and book arts festival held at King’s Books founded by Jessica Spring (Springtide Press), and bookstore owner Sweetpea Flaherty. A highlight of the weekend is steamroller printing, where artists carve 3 x 3 foot linoleum and print on huge sheets of paper using a steamroller as a printing press.”