Link Community Clinic

“Link Community Clinic – Treating all community members, all ages, with the best holistic medical care in Tacoma, WA.”

Dr. Matt Brignall, Dr. Noryang Yeshi, Dr. Luciano Garofalo, Dr. Gena Poling, and Eileen Bhagwandeen // Link Community Clinic
107 N Tacoma Ave
Winter Cohort 2022

“Tacoma Health Center – Here at Link Community Clinic, we optimize primary care by combining conventional and natural medicine to maximize benefit while reducing harm. Our practice is guided by scientific evidence and by personal connection. We take joy in caring for patients of all body sizes, abilities, ages, races, and genders.

We strongly believe everyone should have access to this type of care, which is why we are the only primary care naturopathic doctors in Pierce County to accept Medicaid.”