The Fabric of Space & Time

 These works are an invitation to ask questions of the world around us, to ponder what lays hidden, and what is hoping to be revealed to humanity.

Streetside Artscape:
May Kytonen / The Fabric of Space & Time

Woolworth Windows #4-5, 11th & Broadway
display April 18 – July 18, 2019


I have been captivated by the themes of revelation and mystery: what lays hidden, and what is revealed to us through our universe. I began exploring this idea of revelation through the process of wax resist dyeing – fabric etched with wax that reveals it’s final image only in the dye process. Using this wax resist technique, I created a multitude of constellation banners that depict the 12 main star signs, and their 36 deacons, or corresponding constellations. Each constellation carries with it a story, both of mythologies of old, and a larger narrative that transcends time and space. These works are an invitation to ask questions of the world around us, to ponder what lays hidden, and what is hoping to be revealed to humanity.

“Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”



See more of May’s work at