The TVs

20 TVs each cast in translucent fiber glass from the same 1985 vintage RCA. Each embellished by a different artist. Topic of embellishment: TV!

Streetside Artscape:
Steve LaBerge // The TVs

11th & Commerce St.
November 2023 – 

List of TV Artists

Top Row LR: Dick Weiss, The Van Collective (Alicia Bones, Julia Cramer, Will Clausen, and Eva Westley), Joe Korbuszewski, Alexis Devine, Lynn Di Nino

Top Middle LR: Peter Berkley, Jesse Peterson, Diane Hansen, Edward Lucien Cédras, Nicholas Fultz

Bottom Middle LR: Lucien Vedego, Scott Nelson, Maria Jost, Nichole Withrow, Peter Wimberger

Bottom LR: Christina Butcher, Sophia Munic, Karen Marvik-Hallis, Natalie LaBerge, Randy McCoy

“Steve LaBerge is a sculptor, small business owner, husband and father of two adult sons. He builds artworks from his home in Tacoma, Washington. His art has been presented in the Tacoma Public Library, outdoor and indoor public spaces, rolling down the streets of Tacoma, Pots Gallery in Seattle, MOPOP and Burning Man.

Steve’s artistic projects are often collaborative and interactive. He enjoys inviting other artists to contribute to create community and add depth of subject. His larger works physically incorporate viewers as participants so that they become part of the art itself.”


See more of Steve’s work at


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