Opening on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is Rick Lawson‘s War Experience Project, a compelling exhibition and art program in which veterans use military uniforms as a painting canvas. Lawson, an energetic, 28 year-old Iraq veteran, has received attention here and abroad for his creative vision of providing vets with a non-verbal means of relating their personal stories to those who have never worn a uniform. Spaceworks Tacoma is supporting the program with a three-month residency at 906 Broadway. The family-friendly project will feature painting workshops for veterans of any era, an exhibit of 50 finished art pieces, military memorabilia, and special temporary displays such as that of professionally “tattooed” prostheses. Please join us for the opening of this important show and community event on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11, from 10am – 6:30pm. At 4:30pm, local writer and Vietnam veteran, Gary Prisk, will read from his book, Digger Dogface Brownjob Grunt.
Public television station KBTC will explore the War Experience Project in a special Veteran’s Day edition of Northwest Now on Thursday, Nov. 11, at 7:30pm (check online at www.kbtc.org for rebroadcast dates).
Nov. 13, 6pm – 10pm, the War Experience Project will host a reception for veterans who have contributed to the exhibit, including an unveiling of work created during a workshop at the Veterans Center in Tacoma.
Nov. 20, 11am – 3pm, veterans can participate in an acrylic painting workshop at 906 Broadway.
Regular gallery hours are 10am – 5pm, Wednesday through Saturday and 12pm – 5pm Sundays. For more information, contact Rick Lawson at (347) 927-3708, or rick@warep.com.
The War Experience Project would like to extend special thanks to Major General Timothy Lowenberg and Mary Lowenberg, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Leneweaver, Major Matthew Cooper, and Catherine Senn, for their support of this project.