Spaceworks is proud to present two great events during tonight’s artwalk!

Culture Looming
Priscilla Dobler
October 14-18, 2013
5 day continuous performance, artist present day/night
Woolworth Window on 11th & Commerce
Priscilla Dobler will be performing/working in her Woolworth Window tonight from 5-9pm (and she has been there all day too) for the Third Thursday Art Walk. We encourage you to stop by to visit with her, watch her work on her loom, and she will even give you a spin on it! She has been working all week, creating fresh textiles to turn her simple stark white installation into a room of color, with her floor loom and colorful cotton threads. The woven pieces she creates during this performance will be given away to the homeless, available for sale to passersby, or left in the window for the remainder of the exhibition, through December 20. Visitors are invited to enter the window, chat with the artist, and touch the artwork.

WHEW! A Pop-Up Gallery Event
Scott Scoggin
Third Thursday October 17, 2013
Artist present all day, live music 7:30 pm
Old Post Office, 1102 A St. (lobby)
Scott Scoggin has installed a one-day gallery in a room off the lobby of the Old Post Office. He has installed a large number of his limited edition silkscreened prints on the walls, and he is also presenting a few paper sculptures and other visual things. He is there all day, however things will really get going when Kye Alfred Hillig plays in the evening around 7:30. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Scott’s event and exhibition is made possible by: Tacoma Artists Initiative Program (TAIP), Spaceworks Tacoma, A Street Associates LLC, Pat Rhodes and Power Property Consultants, John Hunt.
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