Come one, come all to the fourteenth annual Tacoma Wayzgoose, a community letterpress and book arts extravaganza. Meet local printers and view their wares, print your own keepsakes, make paper and bind books. A highlight of the weekend is steamroller printing, where local artists carve 3 x 3 foot sheets of linoleum and print on giant paper.
14th Annual Wayzgoose
King’s Books
Saturday & Sunday, April 28th and 29th, 2018
11:00am to 4:00pm
Check out participating artists, photos from past events and learn more at www.tacomawayzgoose.com
Featured artists include some participants of Spaceworks programs:
- Carrie Foster of Shroom Brothers (Sat. only)
- Chandler O’Leary of Anagram Press
- Jessica Spring of Springtide Press
- Katie Dean
- Tom Llewellyn & Lance Kagey of Beautiful Angle
- Yoshiko Yamamoto of The Arts and Crafts Press
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