
A mural celebrating three things that make us quintessentially human: 1. Our universal love for music and dance; 2. Our insatiable thirst to learn, discover, create—which leads us to build things like robots (and paint things like ‘dancing robots’!); and 3. Our ability to smile at wacky images like this!

Streetside Artscape:
Vikram Madan / Celebration
953 Market St.(Court C Alley side)
June 2015 – May 2016

Through his whimsical works, Vikram Madan probes the mysteries of the human spirit, tries to rekindle a lost sense of innocence, and aspires to make the world a better place one shared-moment of levity at a time. When he is not painting, Vikram writes and illustrates humorous poetry, including the hilarious award-winning book The Bubble Collector.