Valhalla Hall Mural

Diana states “In art and life, I am colorful. My paintings, like my personality, are bold and direct. I create structured yet playful geometric compositions in a palette of saturated, vibrant hues.”

Streetside Artscape:
Diana Leigh Surma / Valhalla Hall Mural
1216 MLK Jr Way
Oct 2015 – completion of building renovation

“Scanners, digital projection, and vector graphics play a significant role in the production of my imagery. Though I consider digital products complete in their own right, my challenge is to transform them into tactile, hand-hewn objects with a finite scale. Much like an architect or quilter the act of piecing together lines, patterns and planes are central to my process. The forms and content in my work represent an ongoing fascination with the fickleness of color and its chameleon-like ability to create illusions of transparency, opacity and three-dimensional space. I aspire to share my passion for pigment and public art as a leader, artist and art educator in the Pacific Northwest.”