From the Parlour to the Mall

An installation telling the story of how textiles went from withstanding the test of time to impacting our planet.

Streetside Artscape:
The Productivity Parlour / From the Parlour to the Mall
Woolworth Window 2, 11th & Broadway
September – November 2018

Once textile arts were taught in the home passed down from generation to generation. Industrialization allowed for mass production and easy access to fabrics and garments. Post WWII saw a greater shift away from home sewn garments and the move to fast fashion: cheaper quality at lower and lower prices. The impact on our planet grows as we continue on the path of a throw away culture for the next shiny trend.

An exhibit by:
Productivity Parlour 
A community maker-space concentrating on the textile arts
753 St. Helens Ave. Tacoma, Washington