Monday, July 29, 5 – 6:30 pm
Harmon Tap Room, 204 St. Helen’s Avenue
Free event. No host bar, snacks provided.
RSVP to 253-591-5414 or email: ahornbuckle@cityoftacoma.org
The goal of the Mixer is to provide useful information and new connections for our local creative entrepreneurs to help them build, expand, and promote their businesses to be sustainable. You’ll mingle with Mayor Strickland, Council Members, Business Experts and Entrepreneurs like yourself. Creative business owners (arts, crafts, culinary, distillers, brewers, designers, and more) will have the opportunity to speak directly with some of our partner organizations, as well as established business owners in creative fields who have achieved long-term success. Topic experts will include funders/financial assistance, City permitting professionals, business plan development professionals, legal professionals specializing in copyright and trademark law.
Brought to you by City of Tacoma Community & Economic Development Department
Click here for more information.
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